Study On The Impact Of (other than REACH/CLP) European Chemical/Waste Regulations On The Defence Sector
We are glad to announce that the European Defence Agency (EDA) has commissioned REACHLaw together with our partner Milieu Consulting SPRL to conduct a study on the impact of (other than REACH/CLP) European Chemical/Waste Regulations on the Defence Sector. The study is a follow-up to the EDA 2016 REACH/CLP Study previously conducted by REACHLaw.
The first part of the study under the lead of Milieu aims: i) to provide detailed information on the impact of following five regulations on the defence sector: Biocides Products (BPR), Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP), Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS), Greenhouse Gases (F-GAS) and Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS); ii) to provide detailed information on the five regulations interactions/consistency with REACH and CLP and between them; and to submit recommendations towards a more consistent approach in overall EU legislation for chemicals concerning the defence sector.
The second part of the study under the lead of REACHLaw will look at the implementation of the new requirements under the revised Waste Framework Directive (WFD Article 9)/SCIP Database at EU, national (governmental) and defence industry levels, and elaborate recommendations with focus towards EDA/participating Ministries of Defence (MoDs), based on an impact analysis.
The study will include an in-depth consultation of Commission, ECHA, MoDs, Member State Competent Authorities, Defence Industry and selected other stakeholders. It is due to be delivered in December 2020.
Links for further information: