REACH & CLP Services
REACH the EU Regulation on Chemicals and their safe use (EC 1907/2006) came into force on the 1st of June 2007. It requires that all companies producing chemical substances in the EU or importing them in quantities > 1 tonne per year, will register these substances in the central database run by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). REACH foresees the following three registration deadlines (30.11.2010, 31.05 2013 and 31.05.2018). From 1 June, 2018 all substances subject to REACH much be registered before they are placed on the EU Market.
In addition, the EU Regulation on classification, labelling and packaging-CLP-aims to describe and label all the hazards presented by chemicals consistently around the world. The CLP Harmonization will also facilitate the commercialization of the chemicals by using internationally agreed classification criteria and labelling elements. This Regulation is a complement of the REACH Regulation and it also promotes global efforts to protect humans and the environment from hazardous effects of chemicals. All the hazardous substances placed in the EU market have to be notified under CLP before they enter the market.
REACH & CLP Support
We help co-registrants and lead registrants as their service provider or as Only Representative (OR) in fulfilling all REACH requirements. We have vast experience in taking companies through the different phases of the registration process including SIEF & Consortium. We provide customer with a complete Chemical Safety Report (CSR) and necessary collection of information in the supply chain, handling of third party access rights and financial transactions, completing the technical dossier and submitting it to ECHA.
Also, Reachlaw provides support and services to companies in identifying their CLP regulatory obligations and in compiling the notification dossiers, authoring labels and in the re-classification of the substances/mixtures to meet the CLP requirements