ESA’s Workshop on The Impacts of REACH on Launch Vehicles
Companies are warmly invited by the European Space Agency- ESA- to attend its first workshop on the impacts of REACH on Launch Vehicles. The workshop will take place on the 13th of December, 2017 at ESA HQ in Paris.
Besides addressing the impacts of REACH on space programmes, focusing on launch vehicles, this workshop will also present the strategy that industrial actors have put in place to cope with the REACH regulation, and the European-wide coordination between industry and space agencies, managed through the joint European Materials and Processes Technology Board. Also, this workshop will tackle the major issues on how REACH will affect ESA’s activities in the field of launchers.
Our Chief EU Compliance Officer, Tim Becker, will give a presentation on “Main principles of the REACH process, current status and outlook”. A detailed agenda of the event can be found here: Workshop_REACH Impacts on Launch Vehicles_agenda
If you wish to attend ESA’s workshop, please write an email to by the 8th of December,2017 at the latest.