ECHA has launched a prototype of their upcoming SCIP database for companies to get familiar with before the actual notifications are due, beginning January 2021. Note that the actual database will be launched later in 2020, and all submitted data in the prototype will be deleted. The prototype can be...
Read MoreOn the 7th of February, 11 new entries were added to the Authorisation List (entries 44 to 54). This means that users of these substances will need authorisation to continue their use after the sunset dates given in the entries. Applications need to be submitted before the Latest Application dates...
Read MoreECHA has recently announced that it will start a verification process where the actual size of companies who have declared themselves as micro, small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) will be confirmed. If you have registered a substance under REACH between 2016-2019 and have declared your company as an SME, make...
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