Call to Action for EU Manufacturers, Importers and ORs

In order to avoid potential disruptions in the supply of crucial substances and mixtures after 31 May 2018, the Directors Contact Group (DGC) recommends companies, especially suppliers, to inform to their customers on their REACH registration intentions, including their intention of not to register, in order to allow their customers to find an alternative supplier in due time to remain compliant after the last REACH registration deadline.

Additionally, the DGC recommends that companies decide on picking-up the responsibility of Lead Registrant for those substances  for which none has yet been nominated.

Need help with your Lead Registrations and/or Co-registrations?

Contact us! We will be happy to assist you!

About DGC

DGC provides an informal platform for the exchange of views between the EU Commission, ECHA and Industry Associations.




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