For our followers who wanted to know more about what is going on with the different regulations among Latin-American countries, here we have a quick update on what is happening in the MERCOSUR countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) with respect to GHS.
Let’s start then with Argentina. At the moment the agreement on the inland transport of dangerous goods, based on the 7th revised edition of the UN model regulations and which is being updated on the 12th revised edition, is implemented. In 2006, the Institute for the Standardization and Normalization (IRAM) has published a standard for the elaboration of the SDSs (IRAM 41400-2006) which is in line with GHS requirements. Argentina, as a member of the MERCOSUR Ad Hoc Group on Chemicals, has identified GHS implementation as one of the six issues of highest priority in the region, however GHS still is not fully implemented.
Likewise, Brazil has implemented the 12th revised edition on the inland transport of dangerous goods and from February 2011 substances need to be classified according to the Standard NBR 14725-2:2009 and packed and labelled following the standard NBR 14725. From 1st of June 2015, all mixtures must be classified, packed and labelled according to the NRB 14725-2 and 3 respectively and the SDSs authoring need to follow the standard NBR 14725-4: 2009. Brazil has worked very hard on the implementation of the GHS.
Paraguay is following the agreement on the inland transport of dangerous goods but has not implemented GHS in full, however there are some initiatives aiming the fully implementation of the GHS in the near future.
Finally, Uruguay was the pioneer country in South America that implemented GHS (as per decree 346/011 of the 28th of September). From 2011 GHS obligations apply for chemicals placed in Uruguay and the agreement on the inland transport of dangerous good has been in force since 4 years ago.