K-REACH pre-registration starts on 1 January 2019

The amended K-REACH regulation requires companies to pre-register their chemical substances to the Ministry of Environment in South Korea from 1 January 2019 – 30 June 2019. New chemical substances manufactured or imported in quantities of at least 100 Kg per year and existing chemical substances manufactured in or imported into South Korean market in quantities of at least 1 tonne per year shall be pre-registered.  

Non- South Korean companies wishing to pre-register their substances can also do it via an Only Representative located in South Korea.

Affected by the K-REACH regulation?

Look at the main obligations your company should already fulfil to remain K-REACH compliant:

  • New substances that are manufactured or imported in South Korea in quantities of less than 100 kg/year just need be notified to the National Institute of Environmental Research.
  • New substances that are manufactured or imported in quantities of at least 100 Kg per year must be registered to the Ministry of Environment
  • Already existing substance in quantities above 1 ton have to be registered via the Keko IT tool respecting the following schedule:
    • 31 December 2021: above 1000 t/year or CRM substance above 1 t/year
    • 31 December 2024: between 100 and 1000 t/year
    • 31 December 2027: between 10 and 100 t/year
    • 31 December 2030: between 1 and 10 t/year

Companies that pre-register their substances before 30th June 2019 will benefit from the  extension of the registration deadlines.

Need help with your K-REACH pre-registrations?

REACHLaw is happy to help you to prepare and submit your K-REACH pre-registrations on time. From 2012 we are helping the industry with the chemical regulations in South Korea.

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