What is REACHLaw Talks?
REACHLaw Talks is REACHLaw’s YouTube Channel!
REACHLaw Talks is the place where we will post all of our Webinars, Interviews, Shorts and much more videos that are directly related to Regulatroy Compliance and REACH-related matters. As this content can be found on YouTube, it is completely free! We recommend you subscribe to our channel, that way you’ll never miss any important news on REACH and REACH-related matters.
Follow us on our YouTube Channel: REACHLaw Talks
- Through our YouTube videos you will get both the latest updates regarding REACH and REACH-like regulations and useful insights on key trends towards sustainability related matters
- You can get free access to all our webinar recordings and you can watch them all at your convenience
- You will maximize your learning and as a subscriber you will get notifications sent directly to you inbox upon a new content is available on our YouTube channel.
REACHLaw’s YouTube channel frequently posts new videos on chemical regulatory compliance and sustainability related topics. Stay tuned and subscribe here