Call to action for downstream users of Chromium trioxide in the EEA supplied by Joint Stock Company Novotroitsk Plant of Chromium Compounds (NPCC)
Information Note and Sign-Up Commitment CTACSub2 Review Period
If you are a downstream user of chromium trioxide in the NPCC supply chain and you intend to continue your use after September 2024, you will need an authorisation.
Five Members of the CTACSub Consortium (so-called ‘CTACSub2’) and ReachLaw Ltd. (as Only Representative for JSC NPCC) have agreed in principle to continue to work together and to file a Review report at the latest 18 months before the end of the review period, hence by March 20, 2023 latest.
The deadline to express interest in being part of the review application is 31.03.2021