Are you using Chromium Trioxide – CrO3 – for decorative chrome plating? – Free webinar
We would like to invite all downstream users of chromium trioxide in the Novotroitsk Plant of Chromium Compounds supply chain, to take part in our webinar to get important information on the status of the authorisation application.
The Commission has requested the retrospective submission of a Substitution Plan for the decorative chrome plating use (use 3 of the authorisation application). If the substitution plan is not submitted, the application will be refused and this use will stop. The webinar will take place on the 28th of April at 2:30PM ( Finnish time).
In the webinar, we will give you an overview about the Commission request and what you as a downstream user need to do to contribute to the information gathering that is open until the 15th May. Your input is critical to the successful submission of a substitution plan. You may be requested in the future to demonstrate that you contributed to the information gathering. REACHLaw is the applicant acting as only representative for Joint stock Company Plant of Chromium Compounds, a non-EU supplier of chromium trioxide.
Speaker: Dr. Bernadette Quinn , Head of Authorisation Practice
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