5 January 2021 – SCIP notification deadline for Suppliers of Articles
In the effort to establish a circular economy and reducing waste, ECHA has established the SCIP-database. SCIP stands for: “Substances of Concern in articles, as such or in complex objects (Products)”
The purpose of the SCIP-database is to close the information gap for waste operators. This is done by notifying information to the SCIP database established by ECHA on products and complex objects that are placed on the EU/EEA market and contain 0,1% w/w or more of a substance on the candidate list (SVHC).
Call to Action for suppliers of articles
The obligation of the SCIP-notification applies to any EU supplier of an article that contains 0,1% or more w/w of a candidate list substance. This includes EU producers and assemblers, EU importers and EU distributers and other actors in the supply chain.
On the EU importer front, it is important to mention that although the responsibility for fulfilling the obligation of providing information to ECHA lies with the EU importers, they will need to turn to their non-EU suppliers of these articles and request the information that they need in order to comply with their SCIP regulatory requirements. Therefore, cooperation within the EU importer and the Non-EU supplier is crucial.
The SCIP notification will have to include several points of information, including Article Identification (Identifiers, Name, Article Category), Safe use Information, and information on the SVHC in the article.
The SCIP-notifications will start on the 5th of January 2021, until which, Article suppliers will have to collect all the relevant information on all of their articles and adapt the data to be prepared for the submission in January.
More information on SCIP notification and database
To read more about SCIP from a legal perspective, you can find an article written by REACHLaw Senior Legal Advisor, Tim Becker, here
For a more comprehensive overview of the SCIP database and the notification requirements, please join our upcoming webinar in April by registering here
And if you need support with your SCIP notification(s), at REACHLaw we would be glad to discuss your case further and help you successfully meet the January 2021 deadline.