Updates on India BIS
As per the Gazette Notification no. CG-DL-E-08032024-252735 dated 7th March 2024 and CG-DL-E-18032024-253205 dated 18th March 2024, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers (Department of Chemicals & Petro Chemicals) has provided an extension of the below Quality Control Orders (QCO):
S.No | Title | Indian Standard | Previous deadline | Date of Implementation |
1 | Lauric Acid | IS 10931 : 1984 | 24.04.2024 | 24.10.2024 |
2 | Acid Oil | IS 12029 : 1986 | 24.04.2024 | 24.10.2024 |
3 | Palm Fatty Acids | IS 12067: 1987 | 24.04.2024 | 24.10.2024 |
4 | Rice Bran Fatty Acids | IS 12068 :1987 | 24.04.2024 | 24.10.2024 |
5 | Coconut Fatty Acids | IS 12069 : 1987 | 24.04.2024 | 24.10.2024 |
6 | Hydrogenated Rice Bran Fatty Acids | IS 12361 :1988 | 24.04.2024 | 24.10.2024 |
7 | Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Copolymers | IS 13601:1993 | 03.04.2024 | 03.10.2024 |
8 | Acrylonitrile | IS 12540:1988 | 24.04.2024 | 24.10.2024 |
9 | Styrene (Vinyl Benzene) | IS 4105:2020 | 24.04.2024 | 24.10.2024 |
10 | Maleic Anhydride | IS 5149:2020
| 24.04.2024 | 24.10.2024 |
Should you need support with India BIS related matters, contact us at: sales@reachlaw.fi