Is your CSR compliant? ECHA will start checking in April 2020 (Postponed until October 2020)

Is your Chemical Safety Report (CSR) in order? ECHA will start checking dossiers in October 2020.

Starting in October 2020 ECHA will start checking registration dossiers for their compliance in regard to the Chemical Safety Report (CSR). ECHA will check the exposure information as well as risk characterization is present in the Chemical Safety Reports.

A Chemical Safety Report is a mandatory requirement for all substances subject to REACH that are manufactured or imported in volumes of at least 10 tonnes per year.

The checks of the chemical safety report will be based on the uses you have reported in your registration dossier. Also note that this completeness check will be done on both new registrations as well as updates on existing registrations. Make sure your CSR stays up to date and compliant throughout every update.

You can find more information of the CSR and what should be included in it by watching our video on it here:


If you’re struggling or having doubts about your CSR, don’t hesitate to contact us at REACHLaw, we’re more than glad to offer our support and expertise in these matters.

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